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Public Mask Mandate Reinstatement

On July 29, the Sacramento County Health Office issued  a Health Order, effective July 30, requiring masks to be worn indoors in public settings. This order comes because of an almost 300% rise in the number of hospitalizations for COVID-19 in the last month since the statewide restrictions were lifted. According to the order, 64.8% of positive COVID-19 tests in Sacramento County were found to be the Delta variant that is currently causing surges in COVID-19 cases all over the world. This order also references the recent CDC and California Department of Public Health recommendations to wear face coverings in indoor public settings, elevating the recommendations to a mandate.

The order requires:

  • Masks to be worn in all indoor public venues, regardless of one’s vaccination status.
  • Businesses to require face coverings indoors, and to post visible signage at all entry points to indoor settings stating the mask requirements.
  • All attendees of “Indoor Mega-Events” (gatherings of 5,000 or more attendees) to wear face coverings.
  • All attendees of “Outdoor Mega-Events” (gatherings of 10,000 or more attendees) to wear face coverings.

The entire order can be read on the Sacramento County Website linked here. Sacramento County Order of the Health Officer – 07-29-2021.pdf (